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Competence Center for Mental Health




The goal of the Competence Center for Mental Health (CCMH) is to establish
a comprehensive network of experts in mental health-related fields including both methodological and clinical disciplines at the University of Zurich in order to produce high quality research and improve the health of the population.  Our experts come
from psychiatry, epidemiology, prevention and psychology, and address mental health issues across the lifespan, from children to elderly.  The creation of the CCMH is a unique opportunity for the University of Zurich to take a leading role in the field
of mental health in Switzerland and to be a competitive partner in an international collaboration.

Mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dementia, are highly prevalent in populations worldwide across the lifespan. According to the World Health Organization, mental health disorders will represent the leading cause of disease burden globally by 2030. The Global Burden of Disease Study showed that mental health and substance use disorders are leading causes of years lived with disability worldwide. Such disorders pose ever-increasing challenges to health systems in both developed and developing regions.




The Workshop will be postponed

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Cornelia Marty
Competence Center for Mental Health
University of Zurich